Adam is a Software Engineer, Android enthusiast, and pun aficionado. He fell in love with Android when he picked it up as a hobby in 2013 and he’s been staying on top of the latest trends and contributing to open source projects ever since. Adam also strives to be an active member of the developer community – traveling the world to attend and speak at hackathons and conferences to both educate and learn from others in the community.
Adam McNeilly
Android GDE
MVWTF: Demystifying Architecture Patterns
By now you’ve probably heard every architecture pattern buzzword that’s out there. MVC, MVP, MVVM, MVI... If you have ever asked yourself, “which one should I choose?” or “what’s the difference?”, this talk is for you. These patterns actually have a closely connected history, each pattern building upon the last. As we walk through that history, you'll learn the nuances of each one and why some people prefer one over the other. At the end, these acronyms will no longer be buzzwords to you, and you'll have a clear understanding about how to use them to maintain a robust and extensible codebase.