Vitalii Markus

Android Engineer @ Flo Health Inc.

Talk Title

Jetpack Compose: Drawing without pain and recomposition


Robertson 1




13:40 > 40 min


on Twitter

This is a talk on recomposition in Jetpack Compose and the myths of too many calls it is followed by. I'll briefly explain the reasons behind recompositions and why they are not as problematic as they may seem. I have prepared numerous examples that illustrate how to minimize its occurrence.

I'll share real-life situations we encountered during the redesign of our main screen. I'll delve step-by-step into how I optimized a particle animation without additional memory allocation and how we successfully reduced the number of recompositions on the screen. My practical guide on parameter tuning will be a great takeaway.

Finally, I will tell a story about how we almost broke the app’s visual design after updating Compose to 1.5. I believe the audience will find it entertaining and useful.

Speaker Bio

Hey, I’m Vitalii; I’m an Android Engineer at Flo Health Inc. We’re building “The #1 period and ovulation tracker worldwide” with over 230 million users. I’m working in the Medical Records team, and we’re responsible for providing our customers with the most relevant information about their health, symptoms, and patterns.
Living in Barcelona provides an excellent opportunity for an active lifestyle and many outdoor activities. I usually play tennis and beach volley with our IT community; sometimes, we hike in the beautiful places of Catalonia; in our free time, we enjoy local restaurants and craft breweries and discuss new trends in IT.
For the rest of the time, I usually spend my time with my family, my kid, and my 8-kilos cat.
